Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beware Unqualified Part Time Instructors

You MUST be aware of unqualified part time and FULL time instructors. Part timers are usually just less committed as instructors than most full timers and require a more careful look. Especially in volatile economic times, unqualified instructors will pop up programs all over. Many "martial arts instructors" who work regular day jobs decide they want to start teaching again because they think it will be fun and easy plus they want to earn a few extra bucks. Some know they are going to be laid off and figure this is a good time to start up their own school/program. I applaud the instructors who take this decision serious and get educated on what they need to do to make their school successful. They will take their knowledge and start building up their school with a plan. They will carefully create some kind of business plan, get training in both Martial Arts and business, find a great location, build it out, develop a solid training program, market the school with sound marketing techniques, and think about how they are going deliver a quality experience for their future students. They understand they will need signage, marketing materials, a website, permits, training equipment, office equipment, computers, insurance, hire professional services like attorneys, accountants, and payroll, set up utilities, and so much more. For many, is a life long dream to own their own Martial Arts school and some make it happen.

Unfortunately, this is not what usually happens. In many cases, the part time instructor will try to keep their day job and try to open their school/program with no real plans, no support, or know how. This is why most of them will casually open up in churches, basements, or garages. There is nothing wrong with starting small and building up but they should do so with a plan. Casualness leads to casualties! The reality is that many of these types of instructors are just looking for a part time way to make some extra money which would be fine if their programs were solid. Most of these types are not. Most of these types of instructors are not even competent Martial Artists nor Instructors and they are out there teaching YOU and YOUR kids! These are the same instructors who put 8-10 year olds in classes with ADULTS! This is OUTRAGEOUS! There is no licensing or standards so ANYONE could start a Martial Arts program. If they were that competent, they would already have a store front school or plans for a store front school, a solid training program, and would still be training themselves. Many of these "part time instructors" have not trained themselves in years and will attempt to start classes. What kind of example is that for students? There are also those who have had store front schools and closed them because they did not know what they were doing. Others have cheated a lot of people including students, landlords, vendors, etc, and want to start over somewhere else just to eventually do the same thing again. These types just need to GIVE IT UP! They are doing a disservice to the Martial Arts industry and the public.

As far as a marketing plan goes, most of them think if they just charge way below what the "big schools" charge, the word will get around and their school will just fill up. Nothing is further from the truth. The reality is by charging so low not only devalues their program and self worth, it prevents them from ever being able to move into a store front school. By charging less, they attract lower level clients that drain the life out of them. By charging less, they cannot invest in equipment, training for themselves or staff. Most of them get overwhelmed with working a day job and trying to keep up with a part time business. As a result, their service quality is usually really poor. Most of these instructors do not even carry insurance because it is "too expensive". I just hope the church asked for an insurance binder. It might not seem like a big deal to you as a student but that attitude will change when they hurt YOU or YOUR kid. This goes back to getting what you pay for which I have covered extensively in my other blogs.

Don't get me wrong. I know a lot of very capable Martial Arts instructors who chose to teach part time. They have a solid program and it is their choice to keep their enrollment smaller and they charge what they are worth. Most of these guys have store front schools or are in a fitness center with plans to build a store front and will eventually teach full time. I am not saying all part time instructors are bad instructors. I am warning you about unqualified instructors who have no idea what they are doing and they are teaching the public. Remember, it is YOUR safety or the safety of YOUR child we are talking about. One of the main reasons I have a real problem with these kinds of instructors is that they are turning a great deal of potentially wonderful Martial Arts students OFF from training in the Martial Arts just so they can earn a few extra bucks. They have very little interest of advancing their skills as a Martial Artist or as an Instructor. Often people will try the lower cost, lower quality programs to see if they "like it" first then plan to move up to a better school later. This almost makes sense but the problem is that when students have a bad experience in these lower quality programs, they have no interest in moving up to a more solid program. They figure, "they are all the same, I'm glad we did not invest much into it". Even for the 10% or so that will continue, chances are they have been taught poorly and will have some bad habits.

Do yourself a favor and see these low quality programs for what they are. A JOKE! If these instructors are so great, why are they teaching out of church space, basement, garage, or some other inadequate space? What kind of experience can they really deliver in these types of facilities? Be careful of the instructors who used to have a store front and now are teaching in these types of facilities. Chances are, they did something very wrong to be in this position. Do not be fooled into thinking you are getting a similar quality experience for a lower cost. That's not how it works with Martial Arts Schools. Go to the best school you can afford and one that fits your needs.

At American Kempo Karate Academy, you are dealing with experienced professionals with a solid reputation. Do not trust some shady program teaching out of a garage or church space because you could EASILY get turned OFF from a lifetime of TREMENDOUS benefits from training in the Martial Arts. For more information on our professional centers, visit .

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