Monday, February 2, 2009

Casualness Leads to Casualties

If you really expect to reap the great benefits from training in the Martial Arts, you have to decide if a school can DELIVER on its claims and promises. Not every school is for everyone. Schools that have systems in place to run their classes and their business have a much better chance of long term success. System driven schools have taken the time to think everything they do through to help students have the best experience possible. This includes training and administrative work. Having systems creates expectations from both the client and the staff which helps minimize problems.
Martial Arts schools who just try to get through the day are simply working in a house of cards. It is only a matter of time before they implode with problems and unhappy clients. Too often owners of these types of schools just try to focus on one or two components of their operation and grossly neglect all the others. This makes it very difficult to set goals and grow. For example, if a school does not have a functional website to provide existing clients information, this means there is a major problem with their communications system within their school. Lack of proper communication can lead to all kinds of problems. In today's day and age, you have to seriously question any business that does not have some kind of website.
At American Kempo Karate Academy, we have spent years and years of time and effort systematizing our operation so that we can focus our efforts on providing top quality instruction and less energy on administrative duties. This also allows us to set goals to move forward into the future. Visit for more information.

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